Thursday, March 25, 2021

WORK IMMERSION Weekly Home Learning Plan


Learning Objectives: The learner demonstrates understanding of work immersion by discussing expected behavior, work ethics, safety in the workplace, workplace rights and responsibilities, confidentiality in the workplace and effective conflict resolution and teamwork skills; the importance of credentials; and portfolio content.

                                The learner is able to write an essay how to conduct oneself inside a company or business establishment; craft an application letter and resume; and determine how clearance documents are secured.


Learning Tasks

March 30, 2021 Tuesday

Learning Activity Sheet 1 Work Ethics

My Personal Work Ethic (Summative Assessment 1)

Interview (Summative Assessment 2)

Learning Activity Sheet 2 Safety in the Workplace

Safety in our Home (Summative Assessment 3)

Interview (Summative Assessment 2)

Learning Activity Sheet 3 Workplace Rights and Responsibilities

My Rights and Responsibilities at Home (Summative Assessment 4)

Interview (Summative Assessment 2)

April 6, 2021 Tuesday

Learning Activity Sheet 4 Confidentiality in the Workplace

Confidentiality in the Family (Summative Assessment 5)

Interview (Summative Assessment 7)

Learning Activity Sheet 5 Effective Conflict Resolution

My Conflict Resolution (Summative Assessment 6)

Interview (Summative Assessment 7)

Performance Task 1 Essay – How to Conduct Myself Inside a Company or Business Establishment

April 13, 2021 Tuesday

Learning Activity Sheet 6 How to Write an Application Letter

My Application Letter (Performance Task 2)

Learning Activity Sheet 7 How to Write a Résumé

My Résumé (Performance Task 3)

April 20, 2021 Tuesday

Learning Activity Sheet 8 How to Secure a Barangay Clearance

Flowchart – How to Secure a Barangay Clearance (Performance Task 4)

Learning Activity Sheet 9 How to Secure a Police Clearance

Flowchart – How to Secure a Police Clearance (Performance Task 4)

Learning Activity Sheet 10 How to Secure a Mayor’s Clearance

Flowchart – How to Secure a Mayor’s Clearance (Performance Task 4)

Learning Activity Sheet 11 How to Secure a Medical Certificate

Flowchart – How to Secure a Medical Certificate (Performance Task 4)

April 27, 2021 Tuesday

Learning Activity Sheet 12 How to Ace a Job Interview

Interview (Summative Assessment 8)

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